Nelly Winterhalder

Dramatic text

Tangle / Intrichi d’amore

Cornelia is married to Aleksander, and their son Eirik is about to get married to Camilla. Everything is just as it should be – at least the couples appear to have a happy life of arguing about washing-up and pears or bridal bouquets and speeches. But what happens when love comes knocking at the door?
A playful piece about love and relationships surrounding the question: Are you faithful towards love or your partner?
Inspired by the play Intrichi d’amore (Love Tangles) by Torquato Tasso, which was first performed at the Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola, Italy, in 1598.

Roles: 2 F, 3 M


Premiere 9/2014, Festival Quartieri dell’arte, Palazzo Farnese at Caprarola, Italy, directed by Nelly Winterhalder